Please ensure you enter accurate body measurements and follow the provided guide chart. We cannot accept random measurements. Verbal orders or emails requesting us to use previous measurements will not be accepted; you must place a new order each time you need a new suit to ensure your body measurements are up-to-date.
If you are a returning customer and want to use your old measurements, please contact us and submit a new order with those measurements. However, we are not responsible if your new suit does not fit properly due to weight gain, loss, or body changes. If you want to order the same model suit with the same measurements, please mention this in the comments section.
For accurate measurements, please refer to the diagram explaining strategic measuring spots and carefully read the descriptions of each measurement. Our goal is to create a perfectly fitting suit for you, but we need your help to achieve this. Remember, we also offer in-house measuring services or FaceTime measuring sessions for an additional cost.
We recommend you download and print the measurement guide and have it with you while measuring.